Saturday, February 16, 2008

The 2nd Annual FV3 Triathlon Event

Like the groundhog's shadow, the return of Bob Johns and Beau McCraney's body hair means the beginning of a new day... That's right, it's time to start training for the 2nd Annual FV3 Triathlon.

Many remember the emotional finish of last years winners. The story has been told and retold in Sunday School lessons across the Stake. How two brothers finished 1st together, hand in hand. Many of those who saw it will never forget the day.

This year will build on the first. The Triathlon is scheduled for Memorial Day (May 26, 2008).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is forgetting 2 quiet underdogs this year. These 2 contenders would be none other than Kazuto Augustas and Jimmy Templin.The rumors are flyin' that they are heavly traing at a secret location.Watch out for these contenders!!!