Monday, May 5, 2008

2008 Likelihoods

The FV3 Actuarial Team has published the following items with percentage likelihoods:

Two men will hold hands to cross the finish line as "co-winners"

  • 12.7%

Bob "I could have won alone if i wanted to" Johns will resort to manscaping

  • 13.0%

Shanna "Surf my Wake" Jacobs will win the swim leg

  • 92.4%

Brett "Mammy Loves Short'nin Bread" Stewart's high school swim will return to surprise the leading male competitors

  • 50.4%

Mindy "I Breath, I Win" Stewart will punch a fellow contestant

  • 78.9%

Kaz "Stretchy Pants" Augustus will buy a new bike after losing to bike leg to Ritchie "yes this is a Cervelo" Blake.

  • 83.4%

Team Ruddy will allow Julie Merrill to return after she crushes other Ruddies in the triathlon

  • 31.1%

Tad "Call me Hercules" Baltzer will wear strechy pants

  • 93.4%

Team Richardson will outnumber all other competitors combined

  • 64.7%

Bishop "This is participative, not competitive" Johnson will be defeated by his daughter, Maddy "Ya, I'll probably let him win" Johnson.

  • 98.3%

Kent "Do I have to lose to my Boss?" Howe will lose to his boss.

  • 103.4%

Paul "Plaid is the new Black" Hafen will promote Kent Howe for no apparent reason.

  • 68.0%

Randy "I'll do it myself this year" Kendrick will do it himself.

  • 45.7%

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